Saturday, May 30, 2009

Misconception About Excercising and Burning Calories

According to Edward Melanson PhD, an associate professor of medicine, Exercising during the day does not make a person a fat burning machine for the next 24 hours.

This research was presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine in Seattle this month.

Moderate duration exercise of an hour or less has little impact on 24-hour fat oxidation. It's not that exercise doesn't burn fat, it's just that people replace the calories.

"Exercise increases the capacity to burn more fat," said Melanson, "But if you replace those calories, that is lost."

The point of the study is that people need to get out of the mind set that just because you are working out you can eat whatever you want, at least for people who are trying to lose weight.

If people are using exercise to lose body weight or body fat, they have to consider how many calories they are expending and how many they are taking in. Melanson said the goal is a negative fat balance. Get more information here.

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