Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yo-Yo Dieting is Taking a Toll on Americans

USA Today reports that yo-yo dieting is the most common outcome of efforts to lose weight. People are able to lose weight at first but the majority of them gain it back whether its over one year, two years, three years or five according to the article.

Psychologist Thomas Wadden says that it is natural for dieters to blame themselves when they regain weight. However, after losing weight, there's a cascade of biological responses designed to return you to your pre-diet levels. Wadden says that a hunger hormone called gehrelin increases, and a fullness hormone called leptin decreases.

The article goes into detail about other reasons why so many Americans can be considered "yo-yo" dieters which include the availability of food 24/7, lessening amounts of exercise in people's lives, and dieters setting "lofty goals".

Keith Ayoob, a registered dietitian says that people need to understand that losing weight is a process, not a sprint. It is diet, physical activity and the mental approach to food, food has to become less of a priority in our lives.

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